Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where is Mary Emmerling...

when you need her? Two nights ago, I hardly slept. I lay wide awake rearranging my kitchen over and over in my head. I was really inspired to make some changes, but hardly in the mood to do it at 2:00 am. So, today I made an attempt, and I have drawn some conclusions. No.1: I have too much stuff, and No.2: I need someone to do it for me. I'd love to have one of those services come in, use the things we already have, and give our house a fresh look. I spend a lot of money on decorating books, watch HGTV regularly, and I'm clueless when it comes to creating interesting decor. Even though we live in the city, I'd like my kitchen to have that "old farmhouse feel". Hopefully, a new counter top and apron style sink will be forthcoming sometime soon. I am lucky to have a few pieces that I love, like the old butcher block, which I salvaged from an old garage. The area that I particularly want to change is above the cabinets. It seems to me that everyone in my community goes a little overboard with the silk plants. I do like a little greenery tucked here and there though. Here's a look at some of the things that I have to work with, and I am open to suggestions!

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