Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not only...

is Dove my favorite chocolate, it is also one of my favorite birds. They are so calm and peaceful. This one was busy flying back and forth from the tree to the fence. I love all the cooing that goes on in the morning. It is just the sweetest sound. Unlike some of the other bigger birds that come around, the doves seem to co-exist with the finches and sparrows without much drama. It amuses me when they try to hang from the feeder. They end up spilling much of the seed, but maybe that's the plan, as there is always lots of activity under the feeder.

I was gifted with an awesome new camera for Valentine's Day. I've been trying to work on my photography skills, at least a little everyday. There is just so much to learn. For every bad picture that I take, and there are many, it's so rewarding to take a nice shot now and then.

1 comment:

Stitcher S said...

Gorgeous! Coincidentally, my husband and I took some photos of our backyard mourning doves just this evening.

You're so right. They are calm, aren't they?

The blue bird in our backyard that you asked about is a Western Scrub Jay.

Enjoy your weekend!