Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A sampling of Autumn decor...
at our house. While each new season brings a change and its own uniqueness, I would be happy if it was Autumn all year long. I love everything about it, but especially the crisp cool mornings, falling leaves, warm and vibrant colors of pumpkins and gourds, apple cider and caramel apples. I like to nest, and perhaps I love Fall because I enjoy getting our home ready for the colder months ahead. As a little girl, I always loved stories about squirrels and other animals gathering food and preparing for winter. It never really gets that cold here in the desert, but we do experience the changes of seasons, if ever so subtle.

A gathering of gourds

A favorite stitch from Notforgotten Farm.

Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday at the zoo...
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sweet little...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
This is my spot...
to sit and stitch on our patio. The last couple
of days have been really wonderful, weather wise.
I like nothing better than spending some time curled
up in the rocker with my needlework or a good book.
It is quiet and peaceful with the exception of chirping
birds, and the buzzing of the bees in the rosemary.
For those of us who patiently wait (sometimes not so)
for our hot summer to end, this is our pay off. After
breaking a record for (too) many consecutive days
over 110 degrees this year, I'd say we deserve all
the beautiful days to come.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
It's an ugly duckling now...
but wait till it has a new coat of paint. I really
wanted to sleep in this morning, but I also wanted
to check out a flea market that was being held at
a local antique mall. After some much needed Java,
and a cup to go, I headed out bright and early. I was
mostly on the hunt for some cool storage stuff for
my craft room, but didn't come across anything
exciting. While strolling through the antique mall,
I found a wire Christmas tree that will be perfect
for displaying my stitched sampler ornaments.
I am so far behind in the stitching of these ornaments,
so maybe the tree will provide some much needed
I don't usually stop at yard sales, but did today on
the way home. I spotted the cabinet, and I couldn't
believe it when I saw the price. $10 bucks! What a deal!
I'm thinking that it will look much better in red with black
Monday, October 1, 2007
Who says...
you have to eat the cookie with the frosting? When it's your 3rd birthday, and it's your party, you can do whatever you want. Here is our Livy enjoying one of Grandmas sugar cookies. Even though her actual birthday was Tues., we celebrated it on Saturday. It is hard to believe that our first Granddaughter is 3 already. Where does the time go?